Update UMKM

To create the data in the specified collection with the specified parameters. When a JSON object is saved, the object properties are automatically added to the collection you specified.

Method : POST

URL : /umkm/(ID)?_method=PUT

Body : JSON

"nama_umkm": "UMKM A",
"nama_pemilik": "Pemilik UMKM A",
"dusun": "1",
"rw": "1",
"rt": "1",
"nomor_wa": "081234567890"

Response : 200 OK

"message": "Success update UMKM",
"status": 200


"error": {
"nama_umkm": ["The nama umkm field is required."],
"nama_pemilik": ["The nama pemilik field is required."],
"dusun": ["The dusun field is required."],
"rw": ["The rw field is required."],
"rt": ["The rt field is required."],
"nomor_wa": ["The nomor wa field is required."]

Response : 500 ERROR

Internal Server Error